Work with me here people. These are VERY early ultrasounds so I'll try and walk you through it, but channel your inner 4 year old and use your imagination.
The first single pic is the very first pic. Imagine, if you will, a clear thin walled circle, in a thicker circle, in another circle. The clear thin-walled circle is the baby's water balloon house. The baby at that time was about the size of a poppy seed so, given that our ultrasound machine was born circa 1954, I'm not surprised you can't see the miniscule munchkin. The second thicker layer is feeding/supporting the water balloon. The third level is the muscle in the uterus (aka baby house). You're looking at a cross-section given the orientation of the probe on the ultrasound to my body. Kind of like you cut my stomach like a loaf of bread and you're looking at the middle of the piece you're about to butter.
The second set of 3 pics is from 7 weeks and change and you can make out the poop machine a little better. The water balloon house is still the most obvious thin walled circle you'll notice. Inside this, is our tiny little blurry bean. It's really the white fuzzy bean shape in the black bean shape. There are markers that look like plus signs on either side of the head and butt (crown and rump). For comparison, the baby was the size of a large pea/small blueberry in this pic.
So, here are the first of many poorly scanned pics for your perusal. Feel free to imagine you see all kinds of things that aren't visible at this time if it makes you happy. I do. I'm pretty sure she's already waved at me with her little arm bud. Yes, I said she. No, you can't see that...yet.
The first single pic is the very first pic. Imagine, if you will, a clear thin walled circle, in a thicker circle, in another circle. The clear thin-walled circle is the baby's water balloon house. The baby at that time was about the size of a poppy seed so, given that our ultrasound machine was born circa 1954, I'm not surprised you can't see the miniscule munchkin. The second thicker layer is feeding/supporting the water balloon. The third level is the muscle in the uterus (aka baby house). You're looking at a cross-section given the orientation of the probe on the ultrasound to my body. Kind of like you cut my stomach like a loaf of bread and you're looking at the middle of the piece you're about to butter.
The second set of 3 pics is from 7 weeks and change and you can make out the poop machine a little better. The water balloon house is still the most obvious thin walled circle you'll notice. Inside this, is our tiny little blurry bean. It's really the white fuzzy bean shape in the black bean shape. There are markers that look like plus signs on either side of the head and butt (crown and rump). For comparison, the baby was the size of a large pea/small blueberry in this pic.
So, here are the first of many poorly scanned pics for your perusal. Feel free to imagine you see all kinds of things that aren't visible at this time if it makes you happy. I do. I'm pretty sure she's already waved at me with her little arm bud. Yes, I said she. No, you can't see that...yet.
PS I might be the most immature person I've ever met, but every time I print pics from our machine, it makes me giggle that the name of the ultrasound machine is Siemens. HeeHee. If you click on the pics, you'll see this little chuckle-inducer in the right upper portion above the pic. Love it.
Absolutely your best post. Hilarious...Love you, Dad