Because my growing family and I live in the frozen tundra and nobody else related to me does...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dream Weaver

So everybody knows that when you get pregnant, your need for sleep exponentially increases. What they don't tell you is that while you're getting all this glorious shut eye and letting your body grow a little person with all the energy that would otherwise be put to different use, you can have some seriously whacked out dreams. We're not talking the normal cycle of dreams that you have on repeat and that when you get up to pee in the middle of the night and fall back asleep, they are gone for good. These dreams are very realistic and are akin to being Tivo'd in my head. I can get up to go to the bathroom for the third time in the middle of the night and as soon as I fall back asleep, the dream continues as if someone politely paused it for me in my absence.

These dreams are weird, too. Last night was the first night that I actually played the role of 'me' and my husband played a part. Before this, I was always someone different, most of the time someone I don't know and I was experiencing all kinds of crazy things in places I've never been. Like this morning, I woke up and told John that we'd been on a trip to England. I've never been to England and the scenery didn't look like what I'd seen in movies based in England, but I was sure it was England. Also, for the most part, they've been pretty pleasant dreams. Every once in a while, they can get a little crazy and scary, but really only one 'bad dream,' that of course is the one I can't forget.

Some other interesting facts about these dreams are that A) They are never in the same place, and B) They are not PG-13 rated the majority of the time. This makes me wonder when I'm going to reach my dream 'limit' because I've only been so many places and am going to have to run out of background/scenery for them at some point unless we start to recycle. Also, when you're not playing yourself and your playing, say, a guy who you don't know, it makes it a little awkward when you're engaged in 'certain activities' with a chick you don't know either. It's like you wake up feeling a little like a voyeur crossed with the feeling that, 'hey, I didn't even get dinner out of the deal.' Not only do you have these weird feelings, but you also wake up exhausted because it's seemed so real and you feel like you've been up all night participating in all these crazy movies.

The other kicker, much to my hubby's chagrin, is that after dreaming about these 'certain activities,' you wake up STILL THINKING about this and reach over to see if maybe your baby daddy has had similar thoughts. However, he was up an hour ago, working out in the 43-degree garage and there's no one else there but the pillow he pushed up next to you so you wouldnt' wake up when he ditched you earlier. He also tends to not really appreciate it when you share with him these thoughts and your earlier intentions when he's just showered and now has to leave for work and cannot take advantage of the situation. FYI kids- this will significantly frustrate your beloved if you remind him of this on a daily basis as well, especially since you've been 'too tired' at night when he is available.

Is it the hormones, the gratuitous tylenol PM use, the significant amount of sugar I've been taking in? Who knows, hopefully it slows down soon so I can get some 'rest' while I'm sleeping before this little monster starts letting me feel his hyperactive movement and then I'll be SOL in the sleep department. Oh yeah, it's no longer a gummy bear. Our baby went from a stumpy one incher to having arms, legs, hands, feets and even nails in the last week or so. He's still hyper as ever, though, which has brought the chicks at work to nickname him 'Disco Stu.'

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