So, I first thought that I felt the baby move a couple of weeks ago, but wasn't quite sure. Today, which continuing my Big Brother act on my growing spawn, I simultaneously watched him kick off one side of my uterus and hit his head on the other side. I say simultaneous not for the movement but for the fact that I distinctly felt two flutters at the same time. I actually stopped ultrasounding to look at my belly (as if my xray vision would suddenly start working and I'd see him without the aid of technology) and had my little light bulb moment. It was sweet. Now that I'm sure that that particular sensation is the munchkin playing bouncy house in my belly, I'll be even more acutely aware of his darling self. Now I won't have to ultrasound so much to prove his existence, which I'm sure he'll appreciate since he tends to pout and throw a little hissy when we've done it too often.
You'll notice I said 'him' or 'he' as my pronoun of choice above and I'm 99.9% sure that this is an accurate description. We've never gotten a completely clear view of a definite dangly, but the evidence we have would stand up in court. Time to start decorating his room! Speaking of decorations, I've kind of taken some flack for my choices of yellow, green and brown. When you think of those colors, don't think of the hideous shades that flatter no one and are generic enough to use when you don't know the sex of your little monster. Think of a rich green, a pale yellow and a complementary soft brown. Not every pole-toting infant needs to be head to toe blue to prove to the world he's got his own balls to play with. I'm like the Pat-esque colors and am using them to decorate in somewhat of a safari meets winnie the pooh idea I've been tossing around. You don't have to understand it people, you just have to accept it.
Another thing I'm sure of is that this kid is definitely already taking after mom. When I eat something he doesn't like, he throws a fit. When I'm in the wrong position, he throws a fit. When I wear pants that are not elastic, he throws a fit. I know you think I'm exaggerating, but when you watch your child throw a fit on ultrasound, as witnessed by a besty who mocks said childs being just like mom, you can imagine the same type of behavior at other junctions. He actually gets both arms going up and down, pretty quickly, and then starts to bounce off either side of his not-so-roomy- anymore water balloon house. Today, he actually turned his head to the side and brought one of his hands up to rest on his forehead as if to say, 'Wooes me. What shall I do?' It was kind of funny. He'll fit right in with Will who has adopted various parts of my dysfunctional personality as his own. He provided us with our most hilarious form of entertainment on vacation (hard to compete with Shamu) when we went to Cocoa and Daytona beach. It's barely 60 and sometimes sunny and this kid is the ONLY PERSON in his swimtrunks running into the iceberg supportive water and back out and up and down the beach all which laughing and screaming, the kind where everyone looks and wonders A)is someone drowning/being stabbed, and B)who is the crazy person laughing the kind of laugh that you just know they have the crazy googly eyes too while it's going on. The fact that he was the victim and the perpetrator in this audible fairytale and watching him run laps in the sand was H-I-larious.
Oh, and about elastic waistlines...they rock. I think that I might want to be pregnant for the rest of my life. Not wearing your fat pants and eat a big lunch? If you're not wearing pants with an elastic band, this sucks. If you are, you don't have a care in the world and go back for thirds. Although I've only gained 5-6 lbs, it's all right in my belly, which now pooches out and rises nearly to the level of my belly button. I have some bella bands which allow you to wear your old pants and just not fasten them correctly, but I think I might ditch them...too much work. The plain ole' yoga pants that are loose fitting and flared leg that can be worn with a long top and no one gets close enough to touch them and realize they're like cotton sweatpants are my new favorite bottoms of choice. These and scrubs will allow me to drastically increase my oral intake and, thus, scale results, I have no doubt. My other favorite clothes are pregnancy shirts, fyi. They are all low cut to show off the new assets and they're all tight under the girls and super loose over the belly so once again, you can eat whatever you want. It's like the dance scene in Twilight where Bella motions to Jessica that her girls look good in her dress. Every day at lunch, another friend mentions how the girls are looking stellar in that shirt and I have to explain that apparently a man with a side job at playboy designs pregnancy shirts so that the world can take full advantage of the esthetically pleasing view that is the pregnant body.
Anywho, I'm not feeling sick anymore, just tired. But, we did just get back from vacation(in the first week in 'cold') and I've been working on our hospital service and had a sinus infection so that would account for that. Vacation by the way is way more fun when you're not pregnant. A babymoon should be pre-baby in your belly. There's no staying out late, having a cocktail, doing crazy stuff like bungee jumping, etc. Oh, and if you're at Disney, Universal or Sea World, you can't ride any of the rides so your sole job is to shop and eat and be on picture duty. Now that I think about it, maybe that wasnt such a bad deal.
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